I just thought I would let everyone know what we have been up to lately. My
wife and I have decided to build a new building for our cars, we have 9 all
together, 4 Imperials. We are going to build a 38x108x16 metal building
with a concrete floor. We are going to put in a 28' second floor loft area
for our nostalgia room with a view of the cars below. We are breaking
ground next week and hope to have it up within a few months. Three of the
Imperials we will probably never get rid of, we may sell one later on as
it is somewhat similar to another 61 we have.
I know there are other Imperial owners out there that have built buildings
and I am looking for some ideas they may have. I am putting in one 14x14
garage and a 12x9 garage door with two entry doors and windows.
Anthony and Valerie lacaria
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