1952/53 Limo in Saudi Arabia. Value?
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1952/53 Limo in Saudi Arabia. Value?

Regarding the value of the King's Imperial in Saudi Arabia.
    The value of  a particular car is a function of many variables.
Natuarlly, what it is, the condition it is in, and any significant past
history enter into it.  However, it pretty much comes down to how many cars
comparable to it are available, how desperately does the current owner want
to part with it, and how many people are interested in acquiring it.  Also
significant is the depth of the wallets of those interested.  Significant to
this particular car is LOCATION.  Just like in real estate, the most
important thing in this instance is LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION.
How hot is the market for collector cars in Saudi Arabia?  I have no idea.
How difficult is it to move the car to another country, like the USA?  How
much would it cost.   Again, I have no idea.  I have heard from sources
who's real knowledge may not be all that dependable that used cars in that
part of the world are not all that great, because the original owners are
not so careful about taking care of them.  I have ehard some derogatory
things about mechanics in that part of the world, too.  Never having been
there, I have no real knowledge.
     I suspect that attempting to compare value of that car there, to cars
in the USA would not be all that valid.  Local conditions count for more
than conditions here.


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