A former work colleague asked me to give him a lift to work one day in my 82 Imp, naturally i obliged, he was amazed at the luxury and ride quality of a relatively cheap oldish American car he commented whilst on a particularly smooth bit of road "it's like were being towed because it's so quiet" he understood at that moment the reason why we buy these cars. I can also see why D^2 is obsessed with the 68's the rear end design is inspired. Neil 82 Imp > Even though my upsession with these cars is certainly not rational, there is a > rational portion of my involvement with Imperials. They are inexpensive > transportation. Along with basic transportation, you get luxury, performance, > and safety that you will never obtain with so little money with any other type > of car.(***** Most people unaware of Imperials cannot relate till of course they get a ride. *******) But even then, it takes a while to fully appreciate an Imperial. D^2