Hello Everyone, This event is less than a week away! Robert Soule and I would like to invite all owners and/or enthusiasts of Imperials and C-Body Chrysler Plymouth, Dodge, DeSoto, and related Chrysler products to attend the 2003 Southern Regional Imperial & Chrysler Meet in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the weekend of May 30 - June 1. Make your plans now to attend the 2003 Southern Regional Imperial & Chrysler Meet. We had an excellent meet last year in Chattanooga and we are looking forward to another fine meet this year. Tons of pictures with accompanying text of last year's Southern Regional Imperial & Chrysler Meet in Chattanooga can be found at http://www.imperialclub.com/Events/Chattanooga2002/. Last year's meet was one of the best Imperial & Chrysler events I've ever been to. And remember -- this meet is open not only to all Imperials, but also to ALL C-Body Chrysler products! So polish that chrome, wax that paint, shine those tires, and come to the Southern Regional Imperial & Chrysler Meet in Chattanooga, TN, on May 30th, 31st, and June 1st. *Registration: There is no registration fee for this meet. However, we request that you PLEASE REGISTER so we will know who is attending, what cars to expect, and how many attendees will be at the Friday night cook-out and the Saturday night dinner at the drive-in. IMPORTANT!!! To attend, please send Robert Soule (soule100@xxxxxxxxxxx) or Elijah Scott (Imperial1971@xxxxxxxxx) the following information: your name (and names of any guests) attending the meet, the make and model of the car(s) you will be driving, and indicate if you will be attending the Friday and/or Saturday night dinners. Please complete the following form, paste it to an email, and send to Robert Soule (soule100@xxxxxxxxxxx) or Elijah Scott (Imperial1971@xxxxxxxxx). _________________________________ Name: Name or Names of guests: Make and Model of Car(s): Will you be attending the Friday night cook-out? How many will be in your party? Will you be attending the Saturday night dinner at the drive-in? How many will be in your party? _____________________________ Please read the following information for a schedule of events and information on accommodations. _____________________________ SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: *Friday, May 30th - Dinner, informal hamburger/hot dog cookout at 7:00 PM EDT at the home of Robert and Laqueta Soule, followed by a tour of the Soule garage and Imperial and Chrysler collection. *Saturday, May 31st - Meet and drive, kick tires, share stories, tell lies, drool, etc., at the Soule home. We are also considering a 20 mile trip to the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum for lunch cookout or picnic. The Railroad Museum has a very nice pine thicket picnic area located next to a grass field that would be available to us for parking. The Museum will be operating their vintage steam locomotive and running trains between their 2 stations. The round trip only takes about an hour and might be something we could do as a group. For more information about the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum follow this link: http://www.tvrail.com. *Saturday Dinner - We will have a cookout or pizza party at the Soule residence at 6:00 PM. After dinner, I expect we will show some Chrysler product films/videos, such as dealer ads, sales training stuff, and/or old television ads later in the evening. I am sure there will be more tire kicking and driving as this went on until past midnight last year. We will also have a bonfire burning all evening for those who might enjoy roasting marshmallows and enjoy cocktails around the warmth of a night fire. Please note this is a BYOB event. _____________________________ ACCOMMODATIONS: No hotel accomodations have been reserved specifically for this event. However, many accomodations are readily available in the Hixson, TN, area. Hixson is located on the north side of Chattanooga and is easily accessible from Interstates 75 and 24. It will provide the closest hotel accomodations to the Soule home. A Holiday Inn, a Hampton Inn, and several other chain hotels are readily available in the area within a reasonable driving distance to the Soule home. Please do consider making your hotel reservations as early as possible. Be sure to bring your lawn chairs to enjoy under the shade trees at the Soules' house! ___________________________ DIRECTIONS or futher information: *Please email Robert (soule100@xxxxxxxxxxxx) or Elijah (Imperial1971@xxxxxxxxx). We hope to see you at the 2003 Southern Regional Imperial & Chrysler Meet! __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. http://search.yahoo.com
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