Thanks! chris
From: "Kenneth Napper" <I440toyou@xxxxxxx> Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To: <mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: IML: Tuning Edelbrock 1406.....HELP! Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 18:45:22 -0400
Hi,I m Ken:I440toyou.The skrew on the left where the linkage attaches is idle skrew.The two skrews in front are fuel air mixture skrews.The accellerator pump is on the left top of carb.Set timing 10 degrees before top dead center, TDC is zero.Car should run faster,turn left front skrew to left till it runs ruff,then turn it back till smooth.Do the same with right skrew.Then the idle skrew,turn it out till idle is at 850 rpms or to desired speed,this is it.Some times you may have to ajust the accelerator pump,just give it the longest through.This should get you what you want.The factory timing is top dead center on 1970 440s,todays gas is different then 1970s,so keep timing retarded to make up for the difference. Have fun with it,that's how I learned,besides that's what mopars are all about.
p----- Original Message -----
From: chr gra<mailto:c_bodycrazy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 12:56 PM
Subject: IML: Tuning Edelbrock 1406.....HELP!
Hey Everyone,
I installed the new 1406 last weekend and I am having a high idle issue w/
it (1500 rpm with or w/o chock on). I don't know much of anything about
carburators ( I know enough on how they opperate...I just don't know where
to start adjusting it).
The only thing I have done was adjust the timing. It was 20+ degrees
advanced w/ the old carb; but, is now set at 5 degrees. Is 5 right or
should it be 7??? The car is a 70 Imperial LeBaron (440) w/ an automatic of
course. I'm really not wanting to mess w/ something I don't know about. So
please, whoever has adjusted this carb before please help me out.
I'ld like it idleing better before I take it too the muffler shop to have a
muffler and rear pipe installed. Pressently it is running no exaust 3 feet
behind the Y pipe due to me blowing it (the muffler) up back in December.
Thanks Alot!! chris graber '70 Imperial LeBaron
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