Re: [FWDLK] Mopar Mel Comments
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Re: [FWDLK] Mopar Mel Comments

         I posted the facts on Mopar Mel . The reason was, and still is that
he appeared to me to be using someone else who goes by the e-Bay ID of
'johnbohnenkamp' to shill bid up some of his auctions.  You don't have to
have a Mensa IQ to see if you look at the links I posted yesterday.
         This is fraud, theft, whatever one would like to call it, and
strictly against e-Bay's rules, and it just NOT fair to genuine bidders at
all. An auction is an auction, he who bids highest is the winner. People do
not need shill bidding from Mel's buddy/brother/whatever he is to illegally
raise the price.
         Is this not against the law of the United States as well?  I should
hope it is.

        Ron Dulmage: As you posted your comments to the list, so shall I
post my reply.
       OK, you may not give a hoot who bids what against whom, and sure, the
world will still revolve.   That argument wouldn't cut any ice with the poor
folk who have been gypped out of lots of dollars. What if it was you  who'd
been done by a shiller, Ron?  Would you STILL not care?
        As for 'If you don't like the players, then don't bid'.
         Well , it's not always easy to know just who the player/seller is
at times. Mel uses 2 different ID's on e-Bay ( that I am aware of).
       One is 'moparmel and the other is simply an e-mail address
        It is the last address he has been using recently to list items that
have been shilled up by 'johnbohnenkamp'.   I filed a fraud report with
e-Bay after a lot of fact gathering, I wanted to be 100% sure that I was
correct before posting possibly incorrect accusations Well, e-Bay's  reply
to me was that fraud reports had already been filed on both ,so I was
correct. Also, they are BOTH now suspended from e-Bay, under those ID's.
Does THAT tell you all something? It should.
       But, Mopar Mel under the ID of 'moparmel' is NOT suspended,  as he
has not apparently done anyone wrong with this one.
      How e-Bay can say, OK, we have found irregularities with some aspect
of your trading using one ID, so we are suspending you, but you're a good
guy using another, so keep on trading, I fail to comprehend. See, e-Bay
loves one thing more than anything else, and that's the punters' dollars, so
they will not suspend a user who is guilty of some e-Bay crime using one ID
but OK using another. Just NOT in their best interests, you see. $$$$'s are
in their eyes.
      As for personalities being bought into it, I haven't yet found a way
that one
can alert would be buyers to the suspect dealings of a seller without
mentioning the
person who appears to be perpetrating the illegal acts.
     A leopard may wish to change his spots for stripes by calling himself a
tiger, but at the end of the day, he still has those spots, and they do not
go away.
    Thanks to all on the list who e-mailed me personally. No names, but
everyone was in support of my posting.
               This is the end of this subject as far as I am concerned.
Nothing more from me. If anyone hasn't got a handle on what has been
happening, well, so be it.

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