Of all the reasons for higher gas prices you list, I notice that shortage of supply is not one of them. So why do you have a problem with SUV's? Apparently if all SUV's disappeared it would not affect the gas prices anyway. Also their fuel usage is comparable to the average family sedan in the Fifties. I see them as an attempt to regain the feeling of security we had in our heavy Detroit iron before the government decided to redesign our cars for us. By the way, I do not own an SUV. Sheldon PA ----- Original Message ----- From: Roger <mailto:obiwan10@xxxx> Schaaf To: eladiodazed@xxxx <mailto:eladiodazed@xxxx> ; ed_kehoe@xxxx <mailto:ed_kehoe@xxxx> ; DOUG LEPAK <mailto:stwheels@xxxx> ; Donna Casella Zimmer <mailto:mdccz@xxxx> ; Chrysler 300 <mailto:chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ; CARLOS <mailto:carlos61760@xxxx> GARCIA ; brakehandle27@xxxx <mailto:brakehandle27@xxxx> ; Batluvr@xxxx <mailto:Batluvr@xxxx> ; Ann Marie Imbriale <mailto:lakelandeastgs@xxxx> ; Alice <mailto:awagner1031@xxxx> Wagner ; Adam C. <mailto:ihateprod@xxxx> ; ACERANDY@xxxx <mailto:ACERANDY@xxxx> ; Aa Aa <mailto:hiotisk@xxxx> ; Michael <mailto:majj@xxxx> & Joanne Casella Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 4:39 AM Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Fw: for lower gas prices Until I can go to the grocery store and see something besides a parking lot full of SUV's, I will have no sympathy for those who wish to blame their gasoline woes on the big bad oil companies. I paid 35 cents per gallon for gasoline in 1957 when the average USA wage was perhaps a 75 to 100 dollars per week. Now the average is probably closer to 750 to a 1000 which is 10 times as large. Seems that gasoline has gone up 5(or 6 in some areas) times(a large portion of that being tax increases--or do none of your remember when you did not pay sales tax on your gasoline-- from our out of control government and no one is calling them greedy--such as some call the oil companies) and wages have gone up some 10 times. Incidentally a new Corvette was about 3000 then and is 50,000 now. That is about 16 times. I paid a 1000 dollar gas guzzler tax on my Jaguar XJR. Perhaps treating SUV's and none business use Pick Up trucks the same as automobiles(also for safety standards and requirements, bumper height standards, emissions) and taxing them the same penalty would cure some of the foolish ardor for these vehicles and leave enough fuel to go around so that we all may benefit with lower fuel prices and help keep us out of foreign entanglements. Yes before someone lets me know about the high fuel use of our 300's(and other such old cars) they are not used on a regular basis and probably contribute little to our increased overall fuel costs, smog and dependency on foreign oil. I just put on my cast iron jock strap to protect me from the wails that I am sure are forthcoming. I am weary of the continuous fusillades against big oil and the corporate greed they display everytime gasoline prices increase(often for refinery problems, the world price of oil, stupid government regulations on MTBE or Ethanol, cold weather, a ship sinking somewhere etc). Another piece of advice for those who believe that the oil companies are ripping you off. Invest your 401k and IRA monies in oil stocks and with all your excess profits your fuel prices will not look so bad. We have seen the enemy and the enemy is us.....Pogo Roger Schaaf 300 B Milpitas, California