De-natured alcholo into gas??
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De-natured alcholo into gas??

Just read a note on the site on the topic of water in the gas tank.  One 
comment was to put some 'dry gas' into the tank (have heard that before), or 
even to spray some gas into the carb if a starting problem.  But, I'm sorry, 
I've not heard of putting de-natured alcohol -- of any amount -- straight 
into the gas tank!  PLEASE, give some history/facts behind this idea.

In our area of southwest Ohio (and probably MANY other areas), MOST 
gasolines are no longer REAL GAS, in this calendar year.  They are marketed 
under many labels: reformulated, oxygenated, gasahol, ethanol, methanol, or 
any combination of the above.  Simply put, they are NOT good for our older 
cars.  Had to have the carb rebuilt (& some fuel lines replaced) this year 
due this gas (Gasahol w/10% ethanol) on one car, and the TBI r/r, cleaned 
out, for another car: all due to this BAD gas.  So, have been checking with 
the gas companies lately.  Seems that BP and Citgo and most Shell stations 
(depending on provider, as they are independent stations) have REAL GAS!  
Even in the "E Check" areas.  So, boys and girls, if you are experiencing 
more 'ping' than normal, or if the general performance and mileage have 
DROPPED significantly, one might want to locate some REAL GAS.  Unless, of 
course, someone out there KNOWS how drive/operate on these 'new gasolines.'  
And, I don't think that retarding the timing will help, either.  This 'new' 
gas will do BAD things to our fuel ones (metal as well as rubber).   Any 
comments, please?

Will be at the Auburn Labor Day Festivities (parade & show & display) all 
day Saturday.  Most fortunate in that the WPC Club and the A-C-D Museum 
selected my 64 Crown Coupe to participate: one of only 50 Chrysler products 
so chosen!  Would most certainly enjoy meeting any iml members that may be 
there for the day (lets swap war-stories, etc).  Later,  ne   (Eagle 6-4)

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